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Henny Gorton

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-06 at 7.33.40 AM.

Hi, my name is Henny, I am from the UK but I have been living in Indonesia for 7 years. I only started running 3 years and quickly became addicted and in love with trails.  I have always been adventurous and sporty but I got trapped in a pretty sedentary life for years. I desperately seeked change and wanted to give back to my home Bali, so I ended up arranging runs to raise money for charity. Previous to this I could only run 2km, but during the training I completely fell in love with running and couldn't get enough. A few months later I did my first 100km across Bali. Since then I have gone on to participate in many Ultramarathons and got several podium finishes. Through running, I have explored so many places, met amazing people and have found my true self - running has completely changed me for the better; I am stronger, happier and healthier! You will always find me exploring the mountains and volcanoes of Bali with my dogs!

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