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Eszter Csillag

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Hi ATG! I am Eszter and I have been living in Hong Kong since 2015. In that same year my friend brought me to a trail running session and that has changed my previous running experience forever. Since then I have been exploring different distances, races, training habits and recovery techniques which help me to face new challenges. In 2018 I had my daughter, Emma, who made me a better person but also a faster runner because I always want to be back to her as soon as I can:) Not long after giving birth I also started to do some team races with the local Crazy Running Club and I started training with a coach. I became an addicted trail runner because through trail running I can go to places which otherwise are difficult to reach, and during my everyday training sessions I can be a child again and explore nature which richness is never ending. Since the birth of my second daugther Noemi in April 2021 I started training with Ida Nilsson, who is helping me to become a better and stronger runner.

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