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Elsa Jeandedieu

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-25 at 8.55.51 AM.

Behind the trail runner I’m also a muralist and visual artist and I was really excited to to create the Asia Trail Girls Logo. I have been spreading my creative talents throughout Asia since 2008. My personal mission is to spread joy and happiness through public wall murals, and to make a positive impact on people who sees my art. As a top competitive female trail-runner and also cyclist I naturally find inspiration in nature and the elements, in the diverse landscape of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is the magic place where I discovered my passion for trail-running, the place where I pushed myself way above my comfort zone and realised for the first time that nothing was impossible, it was just a matter of being able to stay focus on your ultimate goal. 
I’m now learning to keep a good balance between work and training which is not always the easier thing in Hong Kong! 

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