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Carrie Stander

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Hi there! I'm Carrie, and I like the long form. I'm into long runs, longer hikes and writing long stories about exploring the world on foot. I'm passionately plant-based and all about finding adventure wherever life takes me. I've lived in 5 countries and traveled to 50. I believe that the best adventures feature animals - and action! I've always loved being active outdoors: cycling, road running, hiking, kayaking, table tennis, mini golf, building human pyramids - you name it!  But in 2015, I started running trails in Switzerland and my life was forever changed. By the following year, I'd completed my first ultra in South Korea and was completely hooked! Although I'm currently on the longest staycation ever in California, I've lived in various parts of Asia for the past decade. I lived in Korea for six years and spent last year in China. I've had the opportunity to run dozens of races and chase uncountable other mountain missions across the continent. Visit my website Peaks and Penguins to find out more - or ask me about my favorites anytime!

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